St. Mary's Fraternity O.F.S

Upcoming Events

Our next General meeting will be in person on Sunday, April 23 (“Fourth Sunday”) at St. Luke’s Parish. 

Council has decided to re-introduce the onlookers’ program for those who may be interested in joining the Secular Franciscan Order. They will be invited to join the fraternity at its monthly meetings and, thus, participate in the communal and fraternal life of the fraternity and the Order.

The onlookers will join us in prayer. They will also become acquainted with Franciscan spirituality through input from our spiritual director and the ongoing formation program. They will also share in the social aspect by joining us for coffee and getting to know members of the fraternity.
There is no specific timeline or course. It is a time of discernment, a time to listen to the Holy Spirit to determine if God is calling them to the Secular Franciscan Order.

Please invite anyone you think might be interested to our monthly meetings; invite them to Come and
See (John 1: 39).